Monday, June 13, 2011

Purity Is More Than What It Seems

Reading, studying God's word.  That's been my strength.  Prayer.  Combining the two?  Life changing.  Hearts are opening, waking up.  Changing.  Perhaps mostly mine.  I started this challenge just days ago.  It almost took on its share of what could have been discouragement or confusion.  Instead I just followed His lead and prayed.  This started for my oldest son.  This quickly became about all of us.  Tonight I've found some understanding.  

I hear their sweet, rhythmic breathing as they rest and recharge here in my bedroom.  Just a few hours ago the race was still on, the teeth needing brushed, the brink of cooperation being overcome by the level of the days exhaustion creeping over us all.  Now they rest, and I find my hope.  The pulse of what will keep this Mama tumbling on through tomorrows joys and challenges, discouragement and victories, humor and exhaustion.  I'm being blessed, my heart transformed, and my armor strengthened for this family daily.  And not a moment too soon.  As my body heals, my heart heals.  As my uncertainty and discouragement peel away, I grow ready to stand, to fight, to pray my family through what the world has thrown at us.

Tonight I took the last three day's prayer topics and one by one, verse by verse, I covered this entire family in God's word.  Then I ventured onto my group leader's wonderful blog and found not only more Godly encouragement, but that I too have something to share tonight....

I was blessed to find more information about purity, along with an excerpt from a book on the same, here at this post tonight.  It was so good to read, so very important.  So very true to God's word and plans according to what He's promised us. 

So with tears in my eyes and my heart in my throat, my appreciation and love for what He is giving my family began to pour itself into this keyboard.  And here it is......


Touched.  Changed.  Humbled.  This is me tonight.  You see, my children are still 'little'.  Only my oldest, my stepdaughter (sadly not safe from these things, even in her home) is the possible one I would have considered this a concern for....before tonight.  The Lord has used this section of Warrior Prayers to reveal some big things to me. 

ONE~My oldest daughters future is not mine to decide or assume.  How dare I let her circumstances bring me to an assumption of where her future 'may' lie...especially in this area.  By the Grace of God....she is growing into a beautiful, exceptional, GODLY young the midst of, and in spite of, her influences.  What little faith I've had.  God is so much bigger than this!  And what a deference from the enemy.  NO MORE!

TWO~I was praying the last several days' scripture over my ENTIRE family.  We consist of Daddy, Me, beautiful 10 year old stepdaughter mentioned above, 6 year old son whom I began this challenge specifically for, 3 year old daughter whose heart I long to nurture as a growing young woman, and my 1 year old precious baby boy.  And I realized....

Purity is not only of the body.  It is not only for the 'pubescent' teen.  It is not only for the sanctity of marriage.  True purity is in our hearts, minds, emotions, and bodies.  It isn't just includes every part of who we are.  I believe it's meant to encompass every part of who God has created....and intends for us to be.  So tonight I plead purity over my entire family.  Each and every one of us.  In each and every aspect of who God has created us to be. 

May 'this family' be pure in heart, for 'we' shall see God (Matthew 5:8)
May we be blameless and innocent, a 'FAMILY' of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation.  (Philippians 2:15)

May 'we' have religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father; to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep 'ourselves' unstained from the world. (James 1:27)

May 'each one of us' think on whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, may 'we' think about these things (Philippians 4:8)
I'm so thankful for this challenge, for my group leaders encouraging posts, for all of us sharing in these heart and life changing lessons.  And of course, that our amazing, forgiving, patient, loving Father has allowed me to be here, with these children, at this place in my life, and serving HIM! 

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